Waka Kotahi 뉴질랜드교통국(NZTA)은 다음주 야간에 실시될 주요 고속도로 공사로 인한 통행금지를 안내하며, 공사를 대비해 우회 도로를 미리 선택하는 등 안전 운전을 당부했다.
고속도로 통행금지는 별도의 언급이 없는 한 오후 9시부터 시작돼 다음 날 새벽 5시에 끝나 야간 도로공사와 정비가 가능하다.
NZTA는 "북쪽으로 향하는 Waterview 터널 폐쇄를 포함하여 다음 주 오클랜드 고속도로망에 대한 광범위한 야간 도로 폐쇄가 계획돼 있다"고 발표했다.
모든 고속도로 공사 일정으로 인한 야간 통행금지는 별도로 날씨와 기타 요인의 영향을 받을 수 있다고 말하며, 갑자기 공사가 취소되거나 연기될 수도 있는 것으로 전했다.
뉴질랜드교통국(NZTA)은 자사 웹사이트를 통해 변경된 일정과 공사 일정을 안내하니 운전자들이 이동 전에 웹사이트의 최신 통행금지 정보를 확인해야 한다고 전했다.
■통행금지 안내
▶Northern Motorway (SH1)
Northbound lanes between Silverdale and Puhoi, February 18
Orewa northbound on-ramp, February 18
Silverdale northbound on-ramp, February 18
Southbound lanes between Puhoi and Silverdale, February 14-18
Millwater southbound on-ramp, February 14-18
Orewa southbound on-ramp, February 14-18
Upper Harbour Highway northbound off-ramp, February 15-18
Southbound lanes between Upper Harbour Highway off-ramp and Tristram Avenue on-ramp, February 16 (approx. 10pm to 5am)
Upper Harbour Highway southbound on-ramp, February 16
Northbound lanes between Northcote Road off-ramp and Tristram Avenue on-ramp, February 16 (approx. 10pm to 5am)
Northcote Road northbound off-ramp, February 15 and 18
Northcote Road northbound on-ramp, February 14 and 16
Southbound lanes between Northcote Road off-ramp and Esmonde Road on-ramp, February 17 (approx. 10pm to 5am)
Northcote Road southbound off-ramp, February 14
Northcote Road southbound on-ramp, February 15 and 17
Esmonde Road northbound (diamond) on-ramp, February 17
Esmonde Road northbound (loop) on-ramp, February 17
Curran Street northbound on-ramp, February 14-18
▶Southern Motorway (SH1)
St Marks Road southbound on-ramp, February 14-17
Tecoma Street southbound on-ramp, February 14
Northbound lanes between Princes Street off-ramp and Mt Wellington Highway on-ramp, February 14 (approx. 10pm to 5am)
Princes Street northbound on-ramp, February 14
Hill Road northbound on-ramp, February 18
Northbound lanes between Papakura off-ramp and Takanini on-ramp, February 14-18 (approx. 10pm to 5am)
Papakura northbound on-ramp, February 14-18
Drury/SH22 northbound off-ramp, February 17
▶Northwestern Motorway (SH16)
Royal Road northbound off-ramp, February 16
Northbound lanes between Lincoln Road off-ramp and Hobsonville Road on-ramp, February 14-18 (approx. 10pm to 5am)
Lincoln Road northbound on-ramp, February 14-18
SH16 southbound to SH20 southbound link (Waterview southbound tunnel closed), February 17-18
SH16 westbound to SH20 southbound link (Waterview southbound tunnel closed), February 17-18
Eastbound lanes between Great North Road off-ramp and St Lukes Road on-ramp, February 15 (approx. 10pm to 5am)
Great North Road eastbound on-ramp, February 15
Northbound lanes between Great North Road off-ramp and Patiki Road on-ramp, February 15(approx. 10pm to 5am)
Great North Road northbound on-ramp, February 15
Westbound lanes between St Lukes Road off-ramp and Great North Road on-ramp, February 17 (approx. 10pm to 5am)
St Lukes Road westbound on-ramp, February 17
Upper Harbour Motorway (SH18)
Eastbound lanes between Albany Highway off-ramp and Paul Matthews Road, February 14-15
Albany Highway eastbound on-ramp, February 14-15
▶Southwestern Motorway (SH20)
Northbound lanes between Maioro Street and SH16 (Waterview northbound tunnel closed), February 15 and 16
Maioro Street northbound on-ramp, February 15 and 16
Southbound lanes between Maioro Street off-ramp and Dominion Road on-ramp, February 18 (approx. 10pm to 5am)
Maioro Street southbound on-ramp, February 18
Neilson Street northbound off-ramp, February 14-18
Southbound lanes between Massey Road off-ramp and Puhinui Road on-ramp, February 14-18(approx. 10pm to 5am)
Massey Road southbound on-ramp, February 14-18
▶Puhinui Road (SH20B)
Puhinui Road northbound on-ramp, February 14-18