주디스 콜린스의 개편: 토드 말러, 사이먼 브릿지 국민당의 프런트벤치에서 수석역할을 맡음, 멜리사 리 의원 서열 15위에 랭크 (서열 1위~43위 발표)
National's new list:
1. Hon Judith Collins, leader - National Security
2. Hon Gerry Brownlee, deputy leader - NZSIS, GCSB, COVID-19 Border Response
3. Hon Paul Goldsmith Finance - Finance, Earthquake Commission
4. Hon Simon Bridges - Foreign Affairs, Justice
5. Dr Shane Reti Health - Health
6. Hon Todd McClay Economic Development, Tourism
7. Chris Bishop - Infrastructure, Transport, Shadow Leader of the House
8. Todd Muller - Trade
9. Hon Louise Upston - Social Development, Social Investment
10. Hon Scott Simpson Environment - Climate Change, Planning (RMA reform)
11. Hon David Bennett - Agriculture
12. Hon Michael Woodhouse - Regional Economic Development, Pike River re-entry, Deputy Shadow Leader of the House
13. Nicola Willis - Education, Early Childhood Education
14. Hon Mark Mitchell - Defence & Disarmament, Sport & Recreation
15. Melissa Lee - Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media, Data and Cyber-security
16. Andrew Bayly - Revenue, Commerce, State-Owned Enterprises, Associate Finance, Small Business and Manufacturing
17. Hon Jacqui Dean - Housing and Urban Development, Conservation
18. Hon Dr Nick Smith - State Services, Electoral Law Reform, Drug Reform
19. Hon Alfred Ngaro - Pacific Peoples, Community and Voluntary, Children and Disability Issues
20. Barbara Kuriger - Senior Whip, Food Safety, Rural Communities, Women
21. Harete Hipango - Shadow Attorney-General, Crown-Maori Relations and Treaty, Negotiations, Māori Tourism
22. Jonathan Young - Energy & Resources, Arts Culture and Heritage
23. Hon Tim MacIndoe - ACC, Skills and Employment, Seniors, Civil Defence
24. Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi - Ethnic Communities, Associate Justice
25. Matt Doocey - Junior Whip, Mental Health
26. Stuart Smith Immigration, Viticulture
27. Simon O'Connor - Customs, Associate Social Development, Associate Housing and Urban Development (Social Housing)
28. Lawrence Yule - Local Government
29. Denise Lee - Local Government (Auckland)
30. Parmjeet Parmar - Research, Science and Innovation, Statistics
31. Brett Hudson - Police, Government Digital Services
32. Simeon Brown - Corrections, Tertiary Education, Youth, Associate Education, Associate Drug Reform
33. Ian McKelvie - Racing, Fisheries, Forestry
34. Jo Hayes - Whānau Ora, Māori Development
35. Andrew Falloon - Biosecurity, Associate Agriculture, Associate Economic Development, Associate Transport
36. Matt King - Regional Development (North Island), Associate Transport
37. Chris Penk - Courts, Veterans
38. Erica Stanford - Internal Affairs, Associate Environment, Associate Conservation
39. Tim van de Molen - Third Whip, Building and Construction
40. Maureen Pugh - Consumer Affairs, Regional Development (South Island), West Coast Issues
41. Dan Bidois - Workplace Relations and Safety
42. Agnes Loheni - Associate Small Business, Associate Pacific Peoples
43. Paulo Garcia - Associate Justice