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Jacinda Arden 총리, 내각 발표…Grant Robertson 부총리로 승진

11월 2일 Jacinda Arden 총리는 Grant Robertson을 부총리로 승진하는 등 새 정부의 장관을 발표했다.

Arden 총리는 내각에서 두 가지 우선순위를 가질 것이라고 말하며, 그 두 가지 우선 순위는Covid-19 대응과 뉴질랜드의 경제 회복이라고 밝혔다.

Ardern은 정부가 우리를 선출한 뉴질랜드 인들의 요구를 적극적으로 반영할 것이라고 말하며, 자신은 총리직 외에도 아동빈곤감소 포트폴리오를 유지하고 국가안보 및 정보부 장관도 겸할 것이라고 밝혔다.

Robertson은 부총리와 더불어 재무부 장관직을 계속 맡게 되며 인프라, 스포츠, 레크리에이션, 레이싱에도 주력하게 된다.

Kelvin Davis는 오늘 일찍 부총리 직을 거절했다고 발표했다. 그는 대신 어린이 및 교정 포트폴리오를 관리하고 부교육부장관으로 근무할 것이며, 그는 노동당 부 대표로도 재선되었다.

Nanaia Mahuta는 뉴질랜드 최초의 여성 외무부 장관이 될 것이다.

어제 서명한 녹색당과의 합의에 따라 Marama Davidson은 가족 및 성폭력 예방장관 및 주택부 차관(노숙자), James Shaw는 기후변화환경부 차관(생물다양성)을 맡게 된다.

아래 장관직의 전체 목록을 참조하십시오.

한편 Chris Hipkins는 현재 Covid-19 Response의 장관이다. 그 포트폴리오에는 국경 관리가 포함되어 있다.

Andrew Little은 보건부 장관이 될 것이다.

Peeni Henare는 현재 보건부 차관 (Māori Health)이며, 국방부 장관이 될 것이다..

새로운 국회의원 인 Ayesha Verrall 또한 보건부 차관으로 임명될 것이다.

Poto Williams는 경찰장관, Michael Wood는 교통장관, Kiri Allan은 보존장관이 될 것이다.

David Clark도 내각에 다시 들어오고, Phil Twyford는 내각 밖에서 자리를 잡고 내각에서 제외되었다.

Jacinda Ardern

Prime Minister

Minister for National Security and


Minister for Child Poverty Reduction

Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services

Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage

Grant Robertson

Deputy Prime Minister

Minister of Finance

Minister for Infrastructure

Minister for Racing

Minister for Sport and Recreation

Kelvin Davis

Minister for Māori Crown Relations:

Te Arawhiti

Minister for Children

Minister of Corrections

Associate Minister of Education (Māori Education)

Megan Woods

Minister of Housing

Minister of Energy and Resources

Minister of Research, Science and Innovation

Associate Minister of Finance

Chris Hipkins

Minister for COVID-19 Response

Minister of Education

Minister for the Public Service

Leader of the House

Carmel Sepuloni

Minister for Social Development and


Minister for ACC

Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage

Minister for Disability Issues

Andrew Little

Minister of Health

Minister Responsible for the GCSB

Minister Responsible for the NZSIS

Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations

Minister Responsible for Pike River Re-entry

David Parker


Minister for the Environment

Minister for Oceans and Fisheries

Minister of Revenue

Associate Minister of Finance

Nanaia Mahuta

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Local Government

Associate Minister for Māori Development

Poto Williams

Minister for Building and Construction

Minister of Police

Associate Minister for Children

Associate Minister of Housing (Public Housing)

Damien O’Connor

Minister of Agriculture

Minister for Biosecurity

Minister for Land Information

Minister for Rural Communities

Minister for Trade and Export Growth

Stuart Nash

Minister for Economic and Regional Development

Minister of Forestry

Minister for Small Business

Minister of Tourism

Kris Faafoi

Minister of Justice

Minister for Broadcasting and Media

Minister of Immigration

Peeni Henare

Minister of Defence

Minister for Whānau Ora

Associate Minister of Health (Māori Health)

Associate Minister of Housing (Māori Housing)

Willie Jackson

Minister for Māori Development Associate Minister for ACC

Associate Minister of Justice

Jan Tinetti

Minister of Internal Affairs

Minister for Women

Associate Minister of Education

Michael Wood

Minister of Transport

Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety

Deputy Leader of the House

Kiri Allan

Minister of Conservation

Minister for Emergency Management

Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage

Associate Minister for the Environment

David Clark

Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs

Minister for the Digital Economy and Communications

Minister for State Owned Enterprises

Minister of Statistics

Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission

Ayesha Verrall

Minister for Food Safety

Minister for Seniors

Associate Minister of Health

Associate Minister of Research, Science and Innovation


Aupito William Sio

Minister for Courts

Minister for Pacific Peoples

Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs

Associate Minister of Education (Pacific Peoples)

Associate Minister of Justice

Associate Minister of Health (Pacific Peoples)

Meka Whaitiri

Minister of Customs

Minister for Veterans

Associate Minister of Agriculture (Animal Welfare)

Associate Minister of Statistics

Phil Twyford

Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control

Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth

Associate Minister for the Environment

Associate Minister of Immigration

Priyanca Radhakrishnan

Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector

Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities

Minister for Youth

Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment


Marama Davidson

Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence

Associate Minister of Housing (Homelessness)

James Shaw

Minister of Climate Change Associate Minister for the Environment (Biodiversity)


Rino Tirikatene

Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the

Minister for Oceans and Fisheries

Minister for Trade and Export Growth (Māori Trade)

Deborah Russell

Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the

Minister of Revenue

조회수 447회댓글 0개


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